Although I am not doing sessions I wanted to share

My Wardrobe Suggestions  For Acting/Auditioning Headshots

There are many opinions of what works, as far as wardrobe for a great headshot.

I suggest listening to your ‘experienced’ Headshot Photographer, Coach, Casting Director, or Agent. I hate to say that you may very well get different opinions.

To be safe… Solid Colors usually work best although there are exceptions. Your photographer (if you pick one that knows what THEY ARE DOING) can guide you.

The clothing should never take away from you but can help with the feel of your headshot..

Vibrant, True Colors aka ‘Bold’ Colors work best for Commercial Headshots.

White & washed out colors may wash you out. There are exceptions, but in general stay with bold colors… They help you ‘pop’.

Dark colors, Black, Dark Brown. Navy Blue Long Sleeve shirts work best for Dramatic Headshots.

Once again there are exceptions, especially if you are a character actor.

Textures are OK but no patterns. In other words, in most cases DO NOT wear stripes or any other patterns. They may take attention away from you.

SOLIDS usually work the best.

You do not want the Casting Director’s eye to go to your clothing before or instead of you.
Remember clients are looking for an actor not a shirt. I never heard a Casting Cirector say “Nice shirt let’s can him/her in to read”.

Please note that since commercial, film and corporate spokesperson headshots have made a shift to color you must pay attention to the color of your wardrobe.

For example, if you have blue eyes a blue shirt will bring out the color of your eyes, green eyes a green shirt, etc… (you do not need to wear brown if you have brown eyes) Colorful, vibrant colors, not pastel, will get attention, especially for commercials.

Make sure that you bring long pants that go with the look just in case you do a 3/4 headshot.

As you can see by the images in my headshot section I do/did 3/4 shots, closer shots and horizontal shots during my sessions.

For the 3/4 images your pants will probably show. A pair of Jeans and a pair of Dark pants will do the trick.

Note: In most cases pants work better than dresses or skirts. Positioning can be limiting when you wear a dress or skirt.

Also many skirts or dresses fan out so they can make your hips look wider… but note that if you have a great figure and want to show it that is an exception.

If you are a character actor you should think of the type of character that you are looking to portray. 

For a corporate/spokesperson headshot wear a solid color middle tone to dark business suit.

If you are late 20’s – 90’s or over and look your age or older corporate/spokesperson can work for you.

Men: For Corperate bring a few dress shirts (white, light blue, yellow etc) and a few ties to choose from.

Women: Solid color middle tone or dark pantsuit and a few shells and/or shirts (light color)

Make sure that you iron your wardrobe and put them on hangers if needed. Do not crumple them up and throw them in a bag. Sleeveless (if you look good in sleeveless) and long sleeve work best for women. Long sleeve works best for men. Short sleeve usually cut the arm visually so I don’t recommend it. That is not a good thing so I do not recommend short sleeve unless you are a body builder type and want to show pumped up arms. Bring more clothing choices than you need so you have plenty to choose from.

If you are doing your own M /U Bring your own make-up and hair styling products. If you use a M/U artists she/he will have what is needed. If you have a favorite color lipstick or other makeup. NOTE: If you have makeup allergy bring your own and she/ne will apply it. and make the makeup artist aware.

Note: If you are a blonde, red head please make sure that your root area is done. If you come in with dark roots and want them lightened it is difficult and time consuming. Many photographers and retouch artists charge a fortune to lighten roots. It is almost impossible to lighten them and have it look totally, realistically natural. You will have to take the image as it is done.

Men – Shave right before appointment. Unless you want to go for a scruff look (which is a good look for many) in which case you MUST bring your own razor and shaving cream to shave part of the way through the session. If you sport a beard and want shots with it you should come with it and be prepared to shave to show both looks. No ear rings for men unless it is for a character shot. No uni-brows unless you are a character actor.

Women – Remove any unwanted facial hair from chin, eyebrows or upper lip that you do not want the camera to see. Earrings should be simple studs for women. Large earrings take away from you and should not be worn for acting headshots. Do Not wear dark, bold or bright color nail polish. Neutral or no nailpolish works best.

Children – Solid vibrant, middle tone/true colors only. No patterns, no logos. Short sleeve or long sleeve work best. Nothing too bulky. Tee shirts, Polo shirts, Denim shirts with a Tee shirt unde &, Hoodies work the best. If your child (female) looks good in sleeveless you can bring that also. Long Jeans for pants always work. I will not be showing feet so just a comfortable pair of shoes or sneakers are great.

Look at the examples on this site to get ideas of wardrobe.


 Should you use a Make Up Artist?

If you are a woman looking over 15 years of age and this is your first time doing an actor’s auditioning headshot session I strongly recommend that you use a make-up artists. My Make-up artists always knew what to do for the industry and my type of lighting. The make-up artist will keep an eye on you during the session to tone down shine, stray hair, etc… If you are a ‘seasoned actor/head shot vet’ or a model making the transformation to acting/commercials and really know how to do your make up for the camera wanting to do your own make up talk to your photographer about it before the session. In some cases I will agree that you do your own make-up. Most seasoned actors understand how important a make-up artist is to a session so you will probably want to use one of my make-up artists.

Please Please Please do not bring in an inexperienced make up artist or a make up artist that works at a make up counter. They usually do not have the experience to do the proper make up for the camera and professional lighting and may ruin our session. The makeup artists that I work with are experienced with headshot sessions, are fast and know my lighting. Do not go have your make up done somewhere before you come to the studio. If the make up doesn’t work for the session and you can’t change it you will waste your money on the session. A makeup artist needs to be at the studio so they can make changes. If you do use your own makeup artist make sure that he or she is on time.

Let me know in advance if there is anything special that I should know, for example if you are allergic to some brands of make up.

Women & Children– If you are not hiring a makeup artist, you should come in with your natural shot makeup ready and be prepared to make whatever changes are needed.Bring your makeup… make sure that you have powder and something to make sure that your lips do not look dry. For Children do not hire a makeup artist that wants to OD on your chid’s makeup (unless it is a pageant session) A stylist may be something you want to consider for children if you are doing composite shots.

If you are hiring a Make-Up Artist come with no make-up and your hair down the way you would normally wear it. The make-up artist does makeup and will help you with your hair. Most are not there to do some foo foo hairstyle that you will never be able to recreate for a casting. You need to communicate to the make-up artist what you want done with your make up and hair during the session. They do not wash and set your hair. It is not a salon.

Men – I really do not usually recommend a Make-Up artist for men. All you will probably need is foundation and/or just powder and something to make sure that your lips do not look dry. The exception to that rule is if you have pale blonde or grey (disappearing) eyebrows and/or eyelashes. You also may want to hire a makeup artist if you have skin issues or just feel more comfortable having a makeup artist there..

Note: I repeat from above… If you are a blonde, or have your hair colored please make sure that your root area is done. If you come in with dark roots and want them lightened it is difficult and time consuming. Many photographers and retouch artists charge a fortune to lighten roots. It is almost impossible to lighten them and have it look realistically natural. If you have dark roots you may have to take the photo as it is done.

If you have any questions call, text or email your photographer and ask…


© 2017 Photography by Lasky

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